Open Water SCUBA Diver Course

Have you ever wanted to see what attracted the great explorers to the deep?

Have you ever wanted to know what breathing underwater felt like or swim with fishes?

Come find out.

Open Water Diver Course is an entry-level  diver certification for recreational scuba diving. The course consist of a combination of knowledge development (theory), confined water dives (practical training) and open water dives (experience) suitable to allow the diver to dive on open circuit scuba, in open water to a limited depth of 60ft/18m and in conditions similar to those in which the diver has been trained or later gained appropriate experience, to an acceptable level of safety.

About the Course:
PADI® Open Water Diver is the first scuba certification level. A  highly-trained PADI Instructor from TDISCUBA will teach you how to scuba dive in a relaxed, supportive learning environment.

By the end of the course, you'll have the skills and knowledge to dive at home or abroad and be an ambassador for the underwater world.

Take This Course If You Want to:

  • Explore the other 70 percent of our planet
  • Support ocean protection
  • See things you've never seen before
  • Learn from a scuba diving expert
  • Carry the world's most recognized scuba certification

Learn How to:

  • Be a confident and skilled diver
  • Assemble and use scuba gear
  • Manage your buoyancy
  • Respectfully approach marine life
  • Handle common problems

Course Learning:
TDISCUBA does a hybrid in person lectures & PADI eLearning makes it easy to fit scuba lessons into a busy schedule. Learn about scuba diving principles and terminology whenever, wherever it's convenient for you.

It's your course on your time. Study offline, in-person  online using a computer or mobile device.

Contact us whenever you have a question.

eLearning and lecture time commitment: 5-10 hours

With Your Instructor:
Practice using scuba gear in a pool (or pool-like environment) until you're comfortable. PADI training includes practice "mini dives" to help you build confidence in your new abilities before making four dives in open water.
Prerequisites: Able to swim; medically fit for diving
Minimum age: 10 years or older

Depth: expect shallow dives (12m/40ft), the maximum allowed depth is 18m/60ft

Total time commitment: 3-7 days